13 July 2009

Kui väljas sajab, lompe on rohkem kui kuiva maad ja varvaste vahel lirtsub niigi, pole ju enam mõtet autodel ega bussidel tsipa aeglasemalt sõita. Nii toretoretore on näha inimesi end majaseinte vastu litsumas, kuigi see miskit enam ei päästa. Mhh.

Aga õhtu läks ilusamaks ja soojemaks. Oh, I still don't know...

Don't let them have their way
You're beautiful and so blasé
So please don't let them have their way
Don't fall back into the decay
There is no law we must obey
So please don't let them have their way
Don't give in to yesterday
We can build a new tomorrow, today
Placebo - "Speak In Tongues"

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